Do you like cookies? Do you like to share your cookies? And get other cookies in return?
Then YOU should be at the inaugural SCV Foodies Holiday Cookie Exchange!
Join us at House Roots coffee on Saturday, December 13, 2014 from 2-4pm for a little holiday cheer, some hand crafted holiday drinks, and help the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry!!!!
Here’s the deal. Bring 6 dozen cookies. 5 should be wrapped up and ready to be given to someone else. The other dozen should be prepared for tastings. So maybe make them in little bites. Once the tastings are over. we’ll call groups of people to select their 5 dozen cookies to take home from those who are there. First come, first served. So get there right at 2pm for the best spot. (see flier for more details)
All this for just a $5 suggested donation, with proceeds going to to the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry.
Bring a canned good, and receive a raffle ticket to win some gift certificates, and maybe some other prizes.
Register now!
Q: Who needs a ticket?
A: Anyone over the age of 5, please. We do have limited capacity and your ticket guarantees your spot.
Q: Do I have to bring cookies?
A: No, fudge, other small treats that you can easily make 5 dozen of and package up to swap are also welcome and encouraged.
Q: No, no, I mean do I have to bring a treat?
A: Well, yes, but only if you want to get to take home five dozen other goodies. Obviously, couples and families will come, and they can all participate with one set of treats, and take home one set.
Q: So if I’m just coming along, do I still need a ticket.
A: Only if you want to come inside. 🙂
Q: Can’t I just buy cookies to bring?
A: Only if you want a permanent spot on the naughty list. (No, seriously don’t… this is for us to share what we do. Not what someone else does.)
Q: What if I have allergies?
A: Please label the ingredients of your goodies. Include if it’s got nuts, eggs, etc. We’ll assume it’s got some flour and therefore gluten unless you say gluten free.
Q: What if I have other questions?
A: We all do. May I recommend your clergy, or perhaps a close friend? If they don’t know email cookies2014-at-scvfoodies.com, or hit us up on Facebook or Twitter and we’ll get back to you.