Delicious. Almost.

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Awful Photoshop by Todd, Images Courtesy Google, TGIFridays and El Pollo Loco.

Rumor: El Pollo Loco Saved, Joins TGI Friday’s in New Location

Santa Clarita was rocked by the news last year that El Pollo Loco would be vacating its long held spot on Magic Mountain Parkway after what...

Image Courtesy: Marie Callender's

Marie Callender’s Pies: Still Cooking in SCV…

Going back to last year, some rumors have surfaced about Marie Callender’s in and their lone location in the Santa Clarita Valley...

Famed Southern California bakery Porto's, as conceputalized in Santa Clarita by Mike Devlin

Potato Balls. A sign of things to come?

The blogsphere was abuzz Thursday night as rumors of Porto’s and their delicious Cuban inspired baked goods, sandwiches and...